Welcome to
Mahanaim School!

About Us

We believe that every child is born special and precious, thus our motto:

“Everyone Is Precious”

"We aim to treat each student of ours according to their needs because they have their own uniqueness. They have their own strength and weaknesses."

Our Program

Mahanaim School consists of the following educational levels: Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, Vocational High School, and Mahanaim English Program (MEP).

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Preschool & Kindergarten

Prioritizes character-based and entrepreneurship education. Learning is conducted using a scientific approach, based on the K-13 curriculum, and fosters spiritual development.

Elementary School

Emphasizes on character development, talent exploration and development particularly in areas such as sports, English, and Mandarin.

Junior High School

Emphasizes entrepreneurship education to equip students to be independent and high-quality individuals, fostering innovative thinking, combined with the K-13 curriculum.

Senior High School

Balances academic development, character building, and community service as an application of spiritual activities. Promoting scientific research as a platform for students to explore and develop their potential.

Vocational High School

This level’s motto is SMART, which stands for Spiritual, Manner, Attitude, Responsibility, and Talent. It emphasizes the importance of developing a God-fearing character alongside skills.


An English-speaking learning program where everyone is precious, develops entrepreneurial skills, and reflects the character of Christ.

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Friday, 25 Oct 2024

Connecting Generation

Mahanaim School Joint Worship and Parent Seminar

Date : 25 Oktober 2024

Time: 17.00 WIB

Place: ARK Building, 5th Floor


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Friday, 31 Mar 2023


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Friday, 17 Mar 2023


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What do they say about us?

Here are the impressions of our students about what it feels like to be a student at Mahanaim School.

"Being a Mahanaim student has been such a wonderful experience. I’ve got to learn new things, grow as a person, and created strong friendships among my peers. It has been an unforgettable experience."


Maharani Kheira Anjaly

English Secondary 12

"Sekolah Mahanaim bukan hanya tempat belajar, tetapi juga komunitas yang mengenalkan murid murid nya akan kasih Tuhan. Dengan berbagai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang ditawarkan, sekolah kami mendorong kreativitas dan keterampilan sosial siswa dalam suasana yang menyenangkan. Fasilitas modern dan pengajaran yang inspiratif di sekolah ini menciptakan lingkungan yang ideal untuk mengeksplorasi potensi diri dan mencapai prestasi gemilang."


Fajar Saputra Panggabean

SMK XII A Animasi

"I’ve been in Mahanaim English Programme since grade 1. In here, the teachers are very humble and warm. They really care about you, and the community is like family to me. I have developed a close relationship with God because the school has a strong Christian environment and values."


Brandon Immanuel Do

English Secondary 12

"Kesan saya selama bersekolah di SMAS MAHANAIM, saya mendapat banyak sekali ilmu. Tidak hanya dalam bidang akademik, tetapi saya juga dididik bagaimana caranya bertanggung jawab atas setiap pilihan saya. Saya belajar disiplin dan taat pada setiap aturan tertulis bahkan yang tidak tertulis. Sehingga membuat saya terbiasa melakukan hal tersebut ketika di luar lingkungan sekolah."


Chika Kelly Aginta


Don’t hesitate to ask, Free Consultation!